Friday, December 3, 2010


For those of you that participated in our last game of skate at GODS GANG we got another one coming up this month by popular demand. Its the REVENGE Game of Skate! With redemption entries and none of the past winners can enter the contest. As a matter of fact we are having them judge this time around. So lets see who the NEW winner is this time around! Its going to be awesome!

Also the day before that we will be doing a skateboarding demo in Brawley,CA alongside some of the top car show groups in the world! Come on by check out the skating an donate a toy! We will be present handing out and donating product for the kids.

Also for everyone out there asking what the ideal sponsor me video should look like is. Check out Angel Marins below! Represented Struggle in his footage! Skated the decks showed us his commitment and completely ripped!

Also RDT rider Isaac Awan threw down a fakie tre flip trick tip check it out!